lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007

Vocabulary- activity bank

Vocabulary building 1

Name of the Activity: Word master

Material: dictionary

Ss’ Level: any

Source: Educationalworld. July,2007.

Procedure: The T groups the Ss in 2 teams. She has a dictionary and picks a letter for the day. Then one team picks a word, from the dictionary, starting with the letter suggested by the T. She reads the meaning to the opposite group so that they can guess the word. For example, the T may say · This word starts with B and means to construct “. The Ss have to guess the word, in this case “ build “.

To enhance motivation and participation, the T can record the pints on the board and the team with most points wins.

Vocabulary Building 2

Name of Game: “Word Train”

Material: bag with cards with words that sub classes such food, clothes, verbs of walking, etc.

Student’s level: Any

Procedure: The class will be arranged in a big circle. The T will say “ Here comes a train full of…” and she will take a card out of the bag and complete the sentence with the word. Each ss will have to say aloud a word related to the word in the card. .

T: “Here comes a train full of fruits...APPLE”

S: “…banana”

S: “…peach…”


The ss have to listen carefully to their classmates so as not to repeat the same word and also to know when their turn is, the st that is switched off or repeats the same word, has to do something decided by the rest of the class.

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Contribution by: Ercegovich Gisela, Girolami Cecilia

This activity resulted pretty well. They worked better than expected, they did not shout and respect their turns. The students could come up with words quickly, probably because we have chosen topics we dealt with in the previous lessons. They even told words which were not from the unit. We used this activity as warm-up to activate their schemata. The majority of the students were paying attention and listening so as not to repeat words. Often, the ones who repeat words were the troublesome that were not listening and as a way of “punishment” they had to report a sentence, which they did pretty well. The atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant. It took more time than planned, but it was worthy because they activated their schemata to complete the following activity- it was useful.