Five-minute activity 1
Name of the Activity: The Bomb game
Material: Timer
Ss’ Level: any
Source: Educationalworld. July,2007.
Procedure: The T sets a timer with a n alarm for 2-3 minutes then places it in a pencil case and passes it to a student. The “bomb” has to make its way around the classroom. When a S is handed the “ bomb “, he/she must say an adjective/ a sentence/a verb /a phrase/anything related to the topics given in class. When the “bomb “ explodes, the S holding it has to either answer a question from the T or do something silly , which his/her classmates will ask.Activity for early finishers 2
Name of the Activity: MAKE THE CLUES
Material: no need material
SS’ level: any
Give the early finisher a word for him/her to make up the clues, following the example given. Example clues:
I am a noun but I am very important.
I begin with the letter ‘f’.
People in prison have lost it and want it back.
People demand it when it is taken away by dictators.
It is related to speech.
(Puzzle word = Freedom)
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