jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009


En mi grupo de auformación en Moodle, Iris Fernández propuso investigar y reflexionar sobre Conectivismo. Me pareció interesantísima la propuesta. Iris compartió el link a un blog sobre el tema en Inglés y castellano. Aquí mi análisis y reflexión sobre lo leído.
"At its heart, connectivism is the thesis that knowledge is distributed across a network of connections, and therefore that learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse those networks."(Stephen Downes)
"El Conectivismo postula que el conocimiento está distribuído en una red de conexiones, por lo cual el aprendizaje consiste en la habilidad de construir y atravesar dichas redes."(mi traducción) En el mismo concepto el autor habla de "una red de conecciones" y luego cambia al plural, implicando que la red de conexiones es una red de redes. Me detengo en el vocablo "traverse" en Inglés, fundamental para ahondar en la comprensión del concepto. Como sustantivo "traverse"es el movimiento lateral que un escalador hace en una roca empinada, buscando el lugar más fácil para ascender.
Stephen Downes y George Siemens han desarrollado la teoría del Conectivismo. Siemens, en el artículo Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age y Downes, en An Introduction to connective knowledge

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

lara postma y paula cornejo

Download now or listen on posterous
REC001.WAV (373 KB)

Podcasting in the classroom

Students read a science fiction story, in fact a choose-your-adventure one. Then they practised reading the story aloud and added sound effects.

They really enjoyed recording the stories with their cellphones. There's still a long way to go to reach the next stage in podcasting. We should have computers in the classroom to teach kids the following stages. Meanwhile it's the teacher's job to download files to a pc and post to a blog.

Great effort for Argentine teachers!

jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

"From Good to Outstanding Series"-series at Teachers.tv.com

"Taking a teacher who was rated ‘good’ by their school, viewers will have the opportunity to give their advice about how they could deliver an ‘outstanding’ lesson. After also receiving advice from specialist coaches, we find out what impact the experience has had on each teacher taking part.

Read more about secondary science teacher Hana and early years teacher Rachel in the discussion group http://bit.ly/goodgroup as they are interviewed by Teachers TV. Hana and Rachel welcome your advice after their first observed lesson, so do get involved."

Beth Granter-Community Project Manager
On behalf of Teachers TV

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

great tool to develop digital literacy

This tool will help you to find information for your essays, as well as to develop your writing skills. Try it!

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Tool to build a digital vocabulary book

I invite you to try a tool to learn lexis. Watch a demo of how Wordsift works.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

Twitter for teachers

When I first heard about twitter, I thought it was a waste of time. Why would I need to know what others are doing, thinking, reading, right now? I was attending EVO 08, and everybody was so enthusiastic about social media and web 2.0 tools, that I couldn't resist following the flock.
Now Twitter is creating my own PNL (personal network learning), which is essential for CPD (continuous Professional Development) in the 21st century.
I´ve just found a song about twitter...
"You´re no one if you´re not on twitter" Hilarious!