Try watching the video at teacher´s tv. Really helpful!
It´s a blog to learn, share and reflect on the practice of English Language Teaching.
Integrate blogging to the rest of the work done by the class. Surprise your students. Make the content meaningful and relevant. Let the learner feel relaxed and confident. Build networks of learning that can cross continents. Develop an atmosphere that encourages and respects the learner and their ideas. Teach your students some blogging skills. Invite guests to post on your blog and to comment. Vary your post style. Give prompt feedback to commentators. Set tasks that lead to interaction. Use the blog for activities the students could not do in the classroom. Use syndication tools to keep track of posts and comments.
Exploit errors, but do not correct students explicitly on blogs. Define who can comment in your blog. Turn on the word verification in your blog settings to avoid spam. Ask for permission to publish photos, videos, audio etc Attention to copyright issues! Add your email to receive notifications when someone leaves a comment on your blog. Always give credit to the source. |