miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008
Workshop 3/08- Online Task Nº4 Disruptive Behaviour
I invite you to watch a video on classroom management in which a teacher receives instant feedback on disruptive behaviour in her classroom. Jot down techniques, body language, pieces of advice her deputy head gives to her. Click on comments and leave your answers there.
sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008
Wk 3- A time to reflect...some time to relax-Online task Nº 3
You are all very busy planning your lessons and delivering them. Hard work! This task is to help you relax a bit while learning about skrbl, a great tool for your future classrooms. At the sidebar you´ll find our online whiteboard. If we were in a physical classroom, I would invite you to come to the blackboard and draw, doodle, quote, express your feelings ... Would you accept?
lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008
Wk 3/08 Online task Nº2 Classroom management
You are about to start your practice period. You have been assigned a class and have started planning your lessons. What about classroom management?
Watch this video where experts give pieces of advice on how to get ss´attention. Jot down ideas in our comments section.
Watch this video where experts give pieces of advice on how to get ss´attention. Jot down ideas in our comments section.
jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008
Workshop 3/08- Online Task Nº1: Identify errors
Identify and explain the errors in the following answers a 2nd Year student provided. How would you correct and give feedback?
1) What´s a different name for Diwali?
A differet name for Diwalli is the "Festival of Lights´.
2) What do Hindu people celebrate?
The Festival of Lights it´s an Autumn Festival and celebrates the Hindu New Year.
3) Where do people celebrate Diwali?
In Canada, Asia, Britain and Africa.
4) What do people do on this special day?
We clean the house. Then we decorate the hous.
1) What´s a different name for Diwali?
A differet name for Diwalli is the "Festival of Lights´.
2) What do Hindu people celebrate?
The Festival of Lights it´s an Autumn Festival and celebrates the Hindu New Year.
3) Where do people celebrate Diwali?
In Canada, Asia, Britain and Africa.
4) What do people do on this special day?
We clean the house. Then we decorate the hous.
martes, 29 de julio de 2008
sábado, 26 de abril de 2008
sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008
Webquest for trainees 2008
We´re going to learn through a webquest how to plan reading and writing lessons for digital natives.
miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008
Try watching the video at teacher´s tv. Really helpful!
lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008
Principles and practices for successful blogging
Integrate blogging to the rest of the work done by the class. Surprise your students. Make the content meaningful and relevant. Let the learner feel relaxed and confident. Build networks of learning that can cross continents. Develop an atmosphere that encourages and respects the learner and their ideas. Teach your students some blogging skills. Invite guests to post on your blog and to comment. Vary your post style. Give prompt feedback to commentators. Set tasks that lead to interaction. Use the blog for activities the students could not do in the classroom. Use syndication tools to keep track of posts and comments.
Exploit errors, but do not correct students explicitly on blogs. Define who can comment in your blog. Turn on the word verification in your blog settings to avoid spam. Ask for permission to publish photos, videos, audio etc Attention to copyright issues! Add your email to receive notifications when someone leaves a comment on your blog. Always give credit to the source. |
viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008
viernes, 8 de febrero de 2008
EFL course-wiki as writers community
Claudia Ceraso shares her experience on how a course wiki can help our students understand the process of writing.
martes, 5 de febrero de 2008
Reflective blogging for teachers
Searching for your own voice is part of your job as a teacher. Blogging helps you find your inner voice, the one you will speak when you´re in the classroom. But, what is "reflective blogging"? How do you develop a "readerly voice"and a "writerly voice"to come out with a "teacherly voice" in the digital world? Paul Allison has shared his experience and provides a very useful matrix for us to keep track of our own processes.
Konrad Glogowsky´s helps us to reflect on how blogging is creating communities of learning, as well as changing the teacher´s role.
Konrad Glogowsky´s helps us to reflect on how blogging is creating communities of learning, as well as changing the teacher´s role.
jueves, 31 de enero de 2008
Reflections on Learning
As teachers we should be ready to keep on learning. A life-long experience. Learning how to read and write in the digital world can be overwhelming, but we should not fear what is becoming a matter of survival! I´ve been reading a lot about connecting, tagging, blogging, and as my enthusiasm grows, the technical problems in my area (no telephone line at home), force me to reflect, be patient and wonder about the little steps I´ll need to climb up this ladder!
lunes, 28 de enero de 2008
Digital reading and writing
As teachers we should learn how to use digital tools because they are changing the concept of literacy. Let´s reflect on David Parry´s article.
digital literacy,
new concepts of literacy,
domingo, 20 de enero de 2008
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